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Degrees from South Plains College and Texas Tech University. Veteran United States Army. Involved in Real Estate 20+ years.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lubbock Market Statistics - How Accurate are They......Really!

Ok, how many times have you seen it - "the statistics show that bla, bla, bla". What do they really mean and how reliable are they? Well like the old saying about computer data goes, "GIGO" garbage in - garbage out. If you input incorrect information, then the information you get out will be incorrect as well. The statistics are only as good as the data that was used to compile them. I have seen some stats on the Lubbock, TX market that are just wrong. I don't think anyone is trying to skew the information, but some of these automated stats on non-local sites just don't have the correct data. It's also possible that there is data that shouldn't be included or that should be included that has been somehow missed.

At Keller Williams we believe that we have put together market statistics that give a true picture of what has really been happening in the Lubbock residential market. These figures come directly from the statistical information gathered by the Lubbock Association of Realtors and Navica. This is actual data from the listing and sales figures from the Multiple Listing Service. It's interesting to see how the market flucuated between different price ranges in different months and just how housing sales faired through the year. It would take too much space to list them all here, but they are available on my website at http://www.tomchatton.com/ on the left side of the page. 

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